Module gguf_modeldb.model_data

Expand source code
import time
import requests
from typing import Union, Optional

from util_helper.file_handler import *

__all__ = ['ModelData']
Models data format:
    "url": "",
    "gguf_file_path": "./models_db/gguf_models\\mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q2_K.gguf",
    "model_name": "mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1",
    "model_quantization": "Q2_K",
    "description": "he Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1 Large Language Model (LLM) 
    is a instruct fine-tuned version of the Mistral-7B-v0.1 
    generative text model using a variety of publicly available conversation datasets.",
    "keywords": [
    "user_tags": {
        "open": "[INST]",
        "close": "[/INST]"
    "ai_tags": {
        "open": "",
        "close": ""
    "system_tags": {
        "open": null,
        "close": null
    "save_dir": "./models_db/gguf_models"

class ModelData:
    """Class for storing and managing model data.
    Provides methods for downloading gguf model files, saving metadata to JSON files and loading from JSON files.
    As well as for retreiving model tags and paths.

    Public methods:
        download_gguf(force_redownload:bool=False) -> str: Download gguf model file
        save_json(replace_existing:bool=True) -> str: Save ModelData to JSON file
        from_json(json_file_path:str) -> "ModelData": Create ModelData from JSON file
        from_url(url:str, save_dir:str, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
                  description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData": Create ModelData from URL
        from_file(gguf_file_path:str, save_dir:Optional[str]=None, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
                  description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData": Create ModelData from gguf file
        model_path() -> str: Get model file path
        get_ai_tag_open() -> str: Get opening AI tag
        get_ai_tag_close() -> str: Get closing AI tag
        get_user_tag_open() -> str: Get opening user tag
        get_user_tag_close() -> str: Get closing user tag
        get_system_tag_open() -> str: Get opening system tag
        get_system_tag_close() -> str: Get closing system tag
        get_ai_tags() -> list[str]: Get list of AI tags
        get_user_tags() -> list[str]: Get list of user tags
        get_system_tags() -> list[str]: Get list of system tags
        has_system_tags() -> bool: Check if system tags are set

        gguf_url (str): URL of gguf file for model
        gguf_file_path (str): Local file path for downloaded gguf model file
        name (str): Name of the model 
        model_quantization (str): Quantization used for the model
        description (str): Description of the model
        keywords (List[str]): List of keywords for the model
        user_tags (Dict[str, str]): Dictionary of opening and closing tags for user markup
        ai_tags (Dict[str, str]): Dictionary of opening and closing tags for AI markup
        system_tags (Dict[str, str]): Dictionary of opening and closing tags for system markup
        save_dir (str): Directory to save model file and metadata

    def __init__(self, 
        user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), 
        ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
        system_tags:Optional[Union[dict, list, set]] = None,
        description:Optional[str] = None, 
        keywords:Optional[list] = None,
        """Initialize ModelData object.

            gguf_url (str): URL of gguf file for model
            db_dir (str): Directory to save model file and metadata
            user_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): User markup tags. Defaults to ("","").
            ai_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): AI markup tags. Defaults to ("","").
            system_tags (Optional[Union[dict, list, set]], optional): System markup tags. Defaults to None.
            description (Optional[str], optional): Description of model. Defaults to None.
            keywords (Optional[list], optional): List of keywords. Defaults to None.
        #init all as None
        self.gguf_url = None
        self.gguf_file_path = None = None
        self.model_quantization = None
        self.description = None
        self.keywords = None
        self.user_tags = None
        self.ai_tags = None
        self.system_tags = None
        self.save_dir = None

        #set values
        self.gguf_url = gguf_url
        self.gguf_file_path = self._url_to_file_path(db_dir, gguf_url) = self._url_extract_model_name(gguf_url)
        self.model_quantization = self._url_extract_quantization(gguf_url)
        self.description = description if description is not None else ""
        self.keywords = keywords if keywords is not None else []
        self.set_tags(ai_tags, user_tags, system_tags)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Return string representation of ModelData object."""
        t = f"""ModelData(
            gguf_url: {self.gguf_url},
            ---required with defaults--- 
            save_dir: {self.save_dir},
            user_tags: {self.user_tags},
            ai_tags: {self.ai_tags},
            ---optionally provided, no defaults---
            system_tags: {self.system_tags},
            description: {self.description},
            keywords: {self.keywords},
            ---automatically generated---
            gguf_file_path: {self.gguf_file_path},
            model_name: {},
            model_quantization: {self.model_quantization}
        return t
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return representation of ModelData object."""
        return self.__str__()
    def __dict__(self) -> dict:
        """Return dictionary representation of ModelData object."""
        return self.to_dict()
    def _hf_url_to_download_url(url) -> str:
        """Convert HuggingFace URL to download URL.

            url (str): HuggingFace URL 

            str: Download URL
        #to download replace blob with resolve and add download=true
        if not "" in url:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid url: {url}, must be a url, other sources aren't implemented yet.")
        url = url.replace("blob", "resolve")
        if url.endswith("/"):
            url = url[:-1]
        if not url.endswith("?download=true"):
            url = url + "?download=true"
        return url
    def _url_to_file_path(save_dir:str, url:str)->str:
        """Convert URL to local file path.

            save_dir (str): Directory to save file
            url (str): URL of file

            str: Local file path
        file_path = join_paths(save_dir, ModelData._url_extract_file_name(url))
        return file_path 
    def _url_extract_file_name(url:str) -> str:
        """Extract file name from URL.
            url (str): URL

            str: File name
        f_name =  url.split("/")[-1]
        if is_file_format(f_name, ".gguf"):
            return f_name
            raise ValueError(f"File {f_name} is not a gguf file.")
    def _url_extract_quantization(url:str) -> str:
        """Extract quantization from URL.
            url (str): URL

            str: Quantization
        quantization = ModelData._url_extract_file_name(url).split(".")[-2]
        return quantization
    def _url_extract_model_name(url:str) -> str:
        """Extract model name from URL.
            url (str): URL

            str: Model name
        model_name = ModelData._url_extract_file_name(url).split(".")[0:-2]
        return ".".join(model_name)

    def set_ai_tags(self, ai_tags:Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) -> None:
        """Set AI markup tags.
            ai_tags (Union[dict, set, list, tuple]): AI tags
        if isinstance(ai_tags, dict):
            if "open" in ai_tags and "close" in ai_tags:
                self.ai_tags = ai_tags
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid user tags: {ai_tags}, for dict tags both 'open' and 'close' keys must be present.")
        elif isinstance(ai_tags, set) or isinstance(ai_tags, list) or isinstance(ai_tags, tuple):
            self.ai_tags = {
                "open": ai_tags[0],
                "close": ai_tags[1]
            raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for user tags: {type(ai_tags)}, must be dict, set or list.")
    def set_user_tags(self, user_tags:Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) -> None:
        """Set user markup tags.
            user_tags (Union[dict, set, list, tuple]): User tags
        if isinstance(user_tags, dict):
            if "open" in user_tags and "close" in user_tags:
                self.user_tags = user_tags
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid user tags: {user_tags}, for dict tags both 'open' and 'close' keys must be present.")
        elif isinstance(user_tags, set) or isinstance(user_tags, list) or isinstance(user_tags, tuple):
            self.user_tags = {
                "open": user_tags[0],
                "close": user_tags[1]
            raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for user tags: {type(user_tags)}, must be dict, set or list.")

    def set_system_tags(self, system_tags:Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) -> None:
        """Set system markup tags.
            system_tags (Union[dict, set, list, tuple]): System tags
        if isinstance(system_tags, dict):
            if "open" in system_tags and "close" in system_tags:
                self.system_tags = system_tags
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid system tags: {system_tags}, for dict tags both 'open' and 'close' keys must be present.")
        elif isinstance(system_tags, set) or isinstance(system_tags, list) or isinstance(system_tags, tuple):
            self.system_tags = {
                "open": system_tags[0],
                "close": system_tags[1]
            raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for system tags: {type(system_tags)}, must be dict, set or list.")
    def set_tags(self, 
                 ai_tags:Optional[Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]],
                 user_tags:Optional[Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]],
                 system_tags:Optional[Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]],
                 ) -> None:
        """Sets any of the provided tags.
            ai_tags (Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]): AI tags
            user_tags (Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]): User tags
            system_tags (Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]): System tags
        if ai_tags is not None:
        if user_tags is not None:
        if system_tags is not None:

    def set_save_dir(self, save_dir:str) -> None:
        """Set save directory and update save file path for the model.

            save_dir (str): Save directory
        self.save_dir = save_dir
        self.gguf_file_path = self._url_to_file_path(save_dir, self.gguf_url)

    def to_dict(self):
        """Convert ModelData to dictionary.
            "url": str,
            "save_dir": str,
            "user_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
            "ai_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
            "description": str,
            "keywords": list,
            "system_tags": Union[dict, list, set]

            dict: Dictionary representation of ModelData
        model_data = {
            "url": self.gguf_url,
            "gguf_file_path": self.gguf_file_path,
            "model_quantization": self.model_quantization, 
            "description": self.description,
            "keywords": self.keywords,
            "user_tags": self.user_tags,
            "ai_tags": self.ai_tags,
            "system_tags": self.system_tags,
            "save_dir": self.save_dir,
        return model_data
    def from_dict(model_data:dict) -> "ModelData":
        """Create ModelData from dictionary.

            model_data (dict): Dictionary representation of ModelData
            Needs to contain the following keys:
            "url": str,
            "save_dir": str,
            "user_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
            "ai_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
            and optionally:
            "description": str,
            "keywords": list,
            "system_tags": Union[dict, list, set]

            ModelData: ModelData object
        url = model_data["url"]
        save_dir = model_data["save_dir"]
        description = model_data["description"] if "description" in model_data else None
        keywords = model_data["keywords"] if "keywords" in model_data else None
        user_tags = model_data["user_tags"]
        ai_tags = model_data["ai_tags"]
        system_tags = model_data["system_tags"] if "system_tags" in model_data else None
        new_model_data = ModelData(url, save_dir, user_tags, ai_tags, system_tags, description, keywords)
        return new_model_data

    def is_downloaded(self) -> bool:
        """Check if model file is downloaded.
            bool: True if downloaded, False otherwise
        return does_file_exist(self.gguf_file_path)
    def has_json(self) -> bool:
        """Check if JSON metadata file exists.

            bool: True if exists, False otherwise
        return does_file_exist(self.json_path())
    def download_gguf(self, force_redownload:bool=False) -> str:
        """Download gguf model file.

            force_redownload (bool, optional): Force redownload if exists. Defaults to False.

            str: File path of downloaded file
        print(f"Preparing {self.gguf_file_path}\n for {} : {self.model_quantization}...")
        if not does_file_exist(self.gguf_file_path) or force_redownload:
            print(f"Downloading {} : {self.model_quantization}...")
            gguf_download_url = self._hf_url_to_download_url(self.gguf_url)
            response = requests.get(gguf_download_url, stream=True)
            total_size = int(response.headers.get('content-length', 0))
            block_size = 1024000  # 100 KB
            progress_bar = f"Please wait, downloading {} : {self.model_quantization}: {{0:0.2f}}% | {{1:0.3f}}/{{2:0.3f}} GB) | {{3:0.3f}} MB/s"
            unfinished_save_path = self.gguf_file_path + ".unfinished"
            with open(unfinished_save_path, "wb") as f:
                downloaded_size = 0
                start_time = time.time()
                elapsed_time = 0
                downloaded_since_last = 0
                for data in response.iter_content(block_size):
                    downloaded_size += len(data)
                    downloaded_since_last += len(data)
                    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                    download_speed = (downloaded_since_last*10/(1024**3)) / elapsed_time if elapsed_time > 0 else 0
                    progress = downloaded_size / total_size * 100
                    gb_downloaded = downloaded_size/(1024**3)
                    gb_total = total_size/(1024**3)
                    if elapsed_time >= 1:
                        print(progress_bar.format(progress, gb_downloaded, gb_total, download_speed), end='\r')
                        downloaded_since_last = 0
                        start_time = time.time()
            print(progress_bar.format(100, gb_downloaded, gb_total, download_speed))
            rename_file(unfinished_save_path, self.gguf_file_path)
            print(f"File {self.gguf_file_path} already exists. Skipping download.")
        return self.gguf_file_path
    def json_path(self) -> str:
        """Get path for JSON metadata file.

            str: JSON file path
        return change_extension(self.gguf_file_path, ".json")
    def save_json(self, replace_existing:bool=True) -> str:
        """Save ModelData to JSON file.

            replace_existing (bool, optional): Overwrite if exists. Defaults to True.

            str: JSON file path
        if replace_existing or not self.has_json():
            save_json_file(self.json_path(), self.to_dict())
            print(f"File {self.json_path()} already exists and replace_existing={replace_existing}. Skipping save.")
        return self.json_path()
    def from_json(json_file_path:str) -> "ModelData":
        """Create ModelData from JSON file.

            json_file_path (str): Path to JSON file containing model data

            ModelData: ModelData object
        model_data = load_json_file(json_file_path)
        return ModelData.from_dict(model_data)

    def from_url(url:str, save_dir:str, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
                  description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData":
        """Create ModelData from URL.

            url (str): gguf URL
            save_dir (str): Directory to save model
            user_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): User markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            ai_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): AI markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            system_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): System markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            description (Optional[str], optional): Model description. Defaults to None.
            keywords (Optional[list], optional): List of keywords. Defaults to None.

            ModelData: ModelData object
        return ModelData(url, save_dir, user_tags, ai_tags, system_tags, description, keywords)

    def model_path(self) -> str:
        """Get model file path.
            str: gguf file path
        return self.gguf_file_path

    def from_file(gguf_file_path:str, save_dir:Optional[str]=None, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
                  description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData":
        """Create ModelData from gguf file.

            gguf_file_path (str): Path to gguf file
            save_dir (Optional[str], optional): Directory to save. Defaults to None.
            user_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): User markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            ai_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): AI markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            system_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): System markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            description (Optional[str], optional): Model description. Defaults to None.
            keywords (Optional[list], optional): List of keywords. Defaults to None.

            ModelData: ModelData object
        #creates a model where url is also the file path
        save_dir = get_directory(gguf_file_path) if save_dir is None else save_dir
        url = gguf_file_path
        return ModelData(url, save_dir, user_tags, ai_tags, system_tags, description, keywords)

    def get_ai_tag_open(self) -> str:
        """Get opening AI tag.
            str: Opening AI tag
        return self.ai_tags["open"]
    def get_ai_tag_close(self) -> str:
        """Get closing AI tag.
            str: Closing AI tag
        return self.ai_tags["close"]
    def get_user_tag_open(self) -> str:
        """Get opening user tag.
            str: Opening user tag
        return self.user_tags["open"]
    def get_user_tag_close(self) -> str:
        """Get closing user tag.
            str: Closing user tag
        return self.user_tags["close"]
    def get_system_tag_open(self) -> str:
        """Get opening system tag.
            str: Opening system tag
        return self.system_tags["open"]
    def get_system_tag_close(self) -> str:
        """Get closing system tag.
            str: Closing system tag
        return self.system_tags["close"]
    def get_ai_tags(self) -> list[str]:
        """Get list of AI tags.
            list[str]: List of opening and closing AI tags
        return [self.get_ai_tag_open(), self.get_ai_tag_close()]
    def get_user_tags(self) -> list[str]:
        """Get list of user tags.
            list[str]: List of opening and closing user tags
        return [self.get_user_tag_open(), self.get_user_tag_close()]
    def get_system_tags(self) -> list[str]:
        """Get list of system tags.
            list[str]: List of opening and closing system tags
        return [self.get_system_tag_open(), self.get_system_tag_close()]
    def has_system_tags(self) -> bool:
        """Check if system tags are set.
            bool: True if system tags set, False otherwise
        if self.system_tags is None:
            return False
        elif self.system_tags["open"] is None or self.system_tags["close"] is None:
            return False
            return True


class ModelData (gguf_url: str, db_dir: str, user_tags: Union[dict, list, set] = ('', ''), ai_tags: Union[dict, list, set] = ('', ''), system_tags: Union[dict, list, set, ForwardRef(None)] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, keywords: Optional[None] = None)

Class for storing and managing model data. Provides methods for downloading gguf model files, saving metadata to JSON files and loading from JSON files. As well as for retreiving model tags and paths.

Public methods: download_gguf(force_redownload:bool=False) -> str: Download gguf model file save_json(replace_existing:bool=True) -> str: Save ModelData to JSON file from_json(json_file_path:str) -> "ModelData": Create ModelData from JSON file from_url(url:str, save_dir:str, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData": Create ModelData from URL from_file(gguf_file_path:str, save_dir:Optional[str]=None, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData": Create ModelData from gguf file model_path() -> str: Get model file path get_ai_tag_open() -> str: Get opening AI tag get_ai_tag_close() -> str: Get closing AI tag get_user_tag_open() -> str: Get opening user tag get_user_tag_close() -> str: Get closing user tag get_system_tag_open() -> str: Get opening system tag get_system_tag_close() -> str: Get closing system tag get_ai_tags() -> list[str]: Get list of AI tags get_user_tags() -> list[str]: Get list of user tags get_system_tags() -> list[str]: Get list of system tags has_system_tags() -> bool: Check if system tags are set


gguf_url : str
URL of gguf file for model
gguf_file_path : str
Local file path for downloaded gguf model file
name : str
Name of the model
model_quantization : str
Quantization used for the model
description : str
Description of the model
keywords : List[str]
List of keywords for the model
user_tags : Dict[str, str]
Dictionary of opening and closing tags for user markup
ai_tags : Dict[str, str]
Dictionary of opening and closing tags for AI markup
system_tags : Dict[str, str]
Dictionary of opening and closing tags for system markup
save_dir : str
Directory to save model file and metadata

Initialize ModelData object.


gguf_url : str
URL of gguf file for model
db_dir : str
Directory to save model file and metadata
user_tags : Union[dict, list, set], optional
User markup tags. Defaults to ("","").
ai_tags : Union[dict, list, set], optional
AI markup tags. Defaults to ("","").
system_tags : Optional[Union[dict, list, set]], optional
System markup tags. Defaults to None.
description : Optional[str], optional
Description of model. Defaults to None.
keywords : Optional[list], optional
List of keywords. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class ModelData:
    """Class for storing and managing model data.
    Provides methods for downloading gguf model files, saving metadata to JSON files and loading from JSON files.
    As well as for retreiving model tags and paths.

    Public methods:
        download_gguf(force_redownload:bool=False) -> str: Download gguf model file
        save_json(replace_existing:bool=True) -> str: Save ModelData to JSON file
        from_json(json_file_path:str) -> "ModelData": Create ModelData from JSON file
        from_url(url:str, save_dir:str, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
                  description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData": Create ModelData from URL
        from_file(gguf_file_path:str, save_dir:Optional[str]=None, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
                  description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData": Create ModelData from gguf file
        model_path() -> str: Get model file path
        get_ai_tag_open() -> str: Get opening AI tag
        get_ai_tag_close() -> str: Get closing AI tag
        get_user_tag_open() -> str: Get opening user tag
        get_user_tag_close() -> str: Get closing user tag
        get_system_tag_open() -> str: Get opening system tag
        get_system_tag_close() -> str: Get closing system tag
        get_ai_tags() -> list[str]: Get list of AI tags
        get_user_tags() -> list[str]: Get list of user tags
        get_system_tags() -> list[str]: Get list of system tags
        has_system_tags() -> bool: Check if system tags are set

        gguf_url (str): URL of gguf file for model
        gguf_file_path (str): Local file path for downloaded gguf model file
        name (str): Name of the model 
        model_quantization (str): Quantization used for the model
        description (str): Description of the model
        keywords (List[str]): List of keywords for the model
        user_tags (Dict[str, str]): Dictionary of opening and closing tags for user markup
        ai_tags (Dict[str, str]): Dictionary of opening and closing tags for AI markup
        system_tags (Dict[str, str]): Dictionary of opening and closing tags for system markup
        save_dir (str): Directory to save model file and metadata

    def __init__(self, 
        user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), 
        ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
        system_tags:Optional[Union[dict, list, set]] = None,
        description:Optional[str] = None, 
        keywords:Optional[list] = None,
        """Initialize ModelData object.

            gguf_url (str): URL of gguf file for model
            db_dir (str): Directory to save model file and metadata
            user_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): User markup tags. Defaults to ("","").
            ai_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): AI markup tags. Defaults to ("","").
            system_tags (Optional[Union[dict, list, set]], optional): System markup tags. Defaults to None.
            description (Optional[str], optional): Description of model. Defaults to None.
            keywords (Optional[list], optional): List of keywords. Defaults to None.
        #init all as None
        self.gguf_url = None
        self.gguf_file_path = None = None
        self.model_quantization = None
        self.description = None
        self.keywords = None
        self.user_tags = None
        self.ai_tags = None
        self.system_tags = None
        self.save_dir = None

        #set values
        self.gguf_url = gguf_url
        self.gguf_file_path = self._url_to_file_path(db_dir, gguf_url) = self._url_extract_model_name(gguf_url)
        self.model_quantization = self._url_extract_quantization(gguf_url)
        self.description = description if description is not None else ""
        self.keywords = keywords if keywords is not None else []
        self.set_tags(ai_tags, user_tags, system_tags)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Return string representation of ModelData object."""
        t = f"""ModelData(
            gguf_url: {self.gguf_url},
            ---required with defaults--- 
            save_dir: {self.save_dir},
            user_tags: {self.user_tags},
            ai_tags: {self.ai_tags},
            ---optionally provided, no defaults---
            system_tags: {self.system_tags},
            description: {self.description},
            keywords: {self.keywords},
            ---automatically generated---
            gguf_file_path: {self.gguf_file_path},
            model_name: {},
            model_quantization: {self.model_quantization}
        return t
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return representation of ModelData object."""
        return self.__str__()
    def __dict__(self) -> dict:
        """Return dictionary representation of ModelData object."""
        return self.to_dict()
    def _hf_url_to_download_url(url) -> str:
        """Convert HuggingFace URL to download URL.

            url (str): HuggingFace URL 

            str: Download URL
        #to download replace blob with resolve and add download=true
        if not "" in url:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid url: {url}, must be a url, other sources aren't implemented yet.")
        url = url.replace("blob", "resolve")
        if url.endswith("/"):
            url = url[:-1]
        if not url.endswith("?download=true"):
            url = url + "?download=true"
        return url
    def _url_to_file_path(save_dir:str, url:str)->str:
        """Convert URL to local file path.

            save_dir (str): Directory to save file
            url (str): URL of file

            str: Local file path
        file_path = join_paths(save_dir, ModelData._url_extract_file_name(url))
        return file_path 
    def _url_extract_file_name(url:str) -> str:
        """Extract file name from URL.
            url (str): URL

            str: File name
        f_name =  url.split("/")[-1]
        if is_file_format(f_name, ".gguf"):
            return f_name
            raise ValueError(f"File {f_name} is not a gguf file.")
    def _url_extract_quantization(url:str) -> str:
        """Extract quantization from URL.
            url (str): URL

            str: Quantization
        quantization = ModelData._url_extract_file_name(url).split(".")[-2]
        return quantization
    def _url_extract_model_name(url:str) -> str:
        """Extract model name from URL.
            url (str): URL

            str: Model name
        model_name = ModelData._url_extract_file_name(url).split(".")[0:-2]
        return ".".join(model_name)

    def set_ai_tags(self, ai_tags:Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) -> None:
        """Set AI markup tags.
            ai_tags (Union[dict, set, list, tuple]): AI tags
        if isinstance(ai_tags, dict):
            if "open" in ai_tags and "close" in ai_tags:
                self.ai_tags = ai_tags
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid user tags: {ai_tags}, for dict tags both 'open' and 'close' keys must be present.")
        elif isinstance(ai_tags, set) or isinstance(ai_tags, list) or isinstance(ai_tags, tuple):
            self.ai_tags = {
                "open": ai_tags[0],
                "close": ai_tags[1]
            raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for user tags: {type(ai_tags)}, must be dict, set or list.")
    def set_user_tags(self, user_tags:Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) -> None:
        """Set user markup tags.
            user_tags (Union[dict, set, list, tuple]): User tags
        if isinstance(user_tags, dict):
            if "open" in user_tags and "close" in user_tags:
                self.user_tags = user_tags
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid user tags: {user_tags}, for dict tags both 'open' and 'close' keys must be present.")
        elif isinstance(user_tags, set) or isinstance(user_tags, list) or isinstance(user_tags, tuple):
            self.user_tags = {
                "open": user_tags[0],
                "close": user_tags[1]
            raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for user tags: {type(user_tags)}, must be dict, set or list.")

    def set_system_tags(self, system_tags:Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) -> None:
        """Set system markup tags.
            system_tags (Union[dict, set, list, tuple]): System tags
        if isinstance(system_tags, dict):
            if "open" in system_tags and "close" in system_tags:
                self.system_tags = system_tags
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid system tags: {system_tags}, for dict tags both 'open' and 'close' keys must be present.")
        elif isinstance(system_tags, set) or isinstance(system_tags, list) or isinstance(system_tags, tuple):
            self.system_tags = {
                "open": system_tags[0],
                "close": system_tags[1]
            raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for system tags: {type(system_tags)}, must be dict, set or list.")
    def set_tags(self, 
                 ai_tags:Optional[Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]],
                 user_tags:Optional[Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]],
                 system_tags:Optional[Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]],
                 ) -> None:
        """Sets any of the provided tags.
            ai_tags (Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]): AI tags
            user_tags (Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]): User tags
            system_tags (Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]): System tags
        if ai_tags is not None:
        if user_tags is not None:
        if system_tags is not None:

    def set_save_dir(self, save_dir:str) -> None:
        """Set save directory and update save file path for the model.

            save_dir (str): Save directory
        self.save_dir = save_dir
        self.gguf_file_path = self._url_to_file_path(save_dir, self.gguf_url)

    def to_dict(self):
        """Convert ModelData to dictionary.
            "url": str,
            "save_dir": str,
            "user_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
            "ai_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
            "description": str,
            "keywords": list,
            "system_tags": Union[dict, list, set]

            dict: Dictionary representation of ModelData
        model_data = {
            "url": self.gguf_url,
            "gguf_file_path": self.gguf_file_path,
            "model_quantization": self.model_quantization, 
            "description": self.description,
            "keywords": self.keywords,
            "user_tags": self.user_tags,
            "ai_tags": self.ai_tags,
            "system_tags": self.system_tags,
            "save_dir": self.save_dir,
        return model_data
    def from_dict(model_data:dict) -> "ModelData":
        """Create ModelData from dictionary.

            model_data (dict): Dictionary representation of ModelData
            Needs to contain the following keys:
            "url": str,
            "save_dir": str,
            "user_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
            "ai_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
            and optionally:
            "description": str,
            "keywords": list,
            "system_tags": Union[dict, list, set]

            ModelData: ModelData object
        url = model_data["url"]
        save_dir = model_data["save_dir"]
        description = model_data["description"] if "description" in model_data else None
        keywords = model_data["keywords"] if "keywords" in model_data else None
        user_tags = model_data["user_tags"]
        ai_tags = model_data["ai_tags"]
        system_tags = model_data["system_tags"] if "system_tags" in model_data else None
        new_model_data = ModelData(url, save_dir, user_tags, ai_tags, system_tags, description, keywords)
        return new_model_data

    def is_downloaded(self) -> bool:
        """Check if model file is downloaded.
            bool: True if downloaded, False otherwise
        return does_file_exist(self.gguf_file_path)
    def has_json(self) -> bool:
        """Check if JSON metadata file exists.

            bool: True if exists, False otherwise
        return does_file_exist(self.json_path())
    def download_gguf(self, force_redownload:bool=False) -> str:
        """Download gguf model file.

            force_redownload (bool, optional): Force redownload if exists. Defaults to False.

            str: File path of downloaded file
        print(f"Preparing {self.gguf_file_path}\n for {} : {self.model_quantization}...")
        if not does_file_exist(self.gguf_file_path) or force_redownload:
            print(f"Downloading {} : {self.model_quantization}...")
            gguf_download_url = self._hf_url_to_download_url(self.gguf_url)
            response = requests.get(gguf_download_url, stream=True)
            total_size = int(response.headers.get('content-length', 0))
            block_size = 1024000  # 100 KB
            progress_bar = f"Please wait, downloading {} : {self.model_quantization}: {{0:0.2f}}% | {{1:0.3f}}/{{2:0.3f}} GB) | {{3:0.3f}} MB/s"
            unfinished_save_path = self.gguf_file_path + ".unfinished"
            with open(unfinished_save_path, "wb") as f:
                downloaded_size = 0
                start_time = time.time()
                elapsed_time = 0
                downloaded_since_last = 0
                for data in response.iter_content(block_size):
                    downloaded_size += len(data)
                    downloaded_since_last += len(data)
                    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                    download_speed = (downloaded_since_last*10/(1024**3)) / elapsed_time if elapsed_time > 0 else 0
                    progress = downloaded_size / total_size * 100
                    gb_downloaded = downloaded_size/(1024**3)
                    gb_total = total_size/(1024**3)
                    if elapsed_time >= 1:
                        print(progress_bar.format(progress, gb_downloaded, gb_total, download_speed), end='\r')
                        downloaded_since_last = 0
                        start_time = time.time()
            print(progress_bar.format(100, gb_downloaded, gb_total, download_speed))
            rename_file(unfinished_save_path, self.gguf_file_path)
            print(f"File {self.gguf_file_path} already exists. Skipping download.")
        return self.gguf_file_path
    def json_path(self) -> str:
        """Get path for JSON metadata file.

            str: JSON file path
        return change_extension(self.gguf_file_path, ".json")
    def save_json(self, replace_existing:bool=True) -> str:
        """Save ModelData to JSON file.

            replace_existing (bool, optional): Overwrite if exists. Defaults to True.

            str: JSON file path
        if replace_existing or not self.has_json():
            save_json_file(self.json_path(), self.to_dict())
            print(f"File {self.json_path()} already exists and replace_existing={replace_existing}. Skipping save.")
        return self.json_path()
    def from_json(json_file_path:str) -> "ModelData":
        """Create ModelData from JSON file.

            json_file_path (str): Path to JSON file containing model data

            ModelData: ModelData object
        model_data = load_json_file(json_file_path)
        return ModelData.from_dict(model_data)

    def from_url(url:str, save_dir:str, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
                  description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData":
        """Create ModelData from URL.

            url (str): gguf URL
            save_dir (str): Directory to save model
            user_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): User markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            ai_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): AI markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            system_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): System markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            description (Optional[str], optional): Model description. Defaults to None.
            keywords (Optional[list], optional): List of keywords. Defaults to None.

            ModelData: ModelData object
        return ModelData(url, save_dir, user_tags, ai_tags, system_tags, description, keywords)

    def model_path(self) -> str:
        """Get model file path.
            str: gguf file path
        return self.gguf_file_path

    def from_file(gguf_file_path:str, save_dir:Optional[str]=None, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
                  description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData":
        """Create ModelData from gguf file.

            gguf_file_path (str): Path to gguf file
            save_dir (Optional[str], optional): Directory to save. Defaults to None.
            user_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): User markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            ai_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): AI markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            system_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): System markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
            description (Optional[str], optional): Model description. Defaults to None.
            keywords (Optional[list], optional): List of keywords. Defaults to None.

            ModelData: ModelData object
        #creates a model where url is also the file path
        save_dir = get_directory(gguf_file_path) if save_dir is None else save_dir
        url = gguf_file_path
        return ModelData(url, save_dir, user_tags, ai_tags, system_tags, description, keywords)

    def get_ai_tag_open(self) -> str:
        """Get opening AI tag.
            str: Opening AI tag
        return self.ai_tags["open"]
    def get_ai_tag_close(self) -> str:
        """Get closing AI tag.
            str: Closing AI tag
        return self.ai_tags["close"]
    def get_user_tag_open(self) -> str:
        """Get opening user tag.
            str: Opening user tag
        return self.user_tags["open"]
    def get_user_tag_close(self) -> str:
        """Get closing user tag.
            str: Closing user tag
        return self.user_tags["close"]
    def get_system_tag_open(self) -> str:
        """Get opening system tag.
            str: Opening system tag
        return self.system_tags["open"]
    def get_system_tag_close(self) -> str:
        """Get closing system tag.
            str: Closing system tag
        return self.system_tags["close"]
    def get_ai_tags(self) -> list[str]:
        """Get list of AI tags.
            list[str]: List of opening and closing AI tags
        return [self.get_ai_tag_open(), self.get_ai_tag_close()]
    def get_user_tags(self) -> list[str]:
        """Get list of user tags.
            list[str]: List of opening and closing user tags
        return [self.get_user_tag_open(), self.get_user_tag_close()]
    def get_system_tags(self) -> list[str]:
        """Get list of system tags.
            list[str]: List of opening and closing system tags
        return [self.get_system_tag_open(), self.get_system_tag_close()]
    def has_system_tags(self) -> bool:
        """Check if system tags are set.
            bool: True if system tags set, False otherwise
        if self.system_tags is None:
            return False
        elif self.system_tags["open"] is None or self.system_tags["close"] is None:
            return False
            return True

Static methods

def from_dict(model_data: dict) ‑> ModelData

Create ModelData from dictionary.


model_data : dict
Dictionary representation of ModelData

Needs to contain the following keys: "url": str, "save_dir": str, "user_tags": Union[dict, list, set], "ai_tags": Union[dict, list, set], and optionally: "description": str, "keywords": list, "system_tags": Union[dict, list, set]


ModelData object
Expand source code
def from_dict(model_data:dict) -> "ModelData":
    """Create ModelData from dictionary.

        model_data (dict): Dictionary representation of ModelData
        Needs to contain the following keys:
        "url": str,
        "save_dir": str,
        "user_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
        "ai_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
        and optionally:
        "description": str,
        "keywords": list,
        "system_tags": Union[dict, list, set]

        ModelData: ModelData object
    url = model_data["url"]
    save_dir = model_data["save_dir"]
    description = model_data["description"] if "description" in model_data else None
    keywords = model_data["keywords"] if "keywords" in model_data else None
    user_tags = model_data["user_tags"]
    ai_tags = model_data["ai_tags"]
    system_tags = model_data["system_tags"] if "system_tags" in model_data else None
    new_model_data = ModelData(url, save_dir, user_tags, ai_tags, system_tags, description, keywords)
    return new_model_data
def from_file(gguf_file_path: str, save_dir: Optional[str] = None, user_tags: Union[dict, list, set] = ('', ''), ai_tags: Union[dict, list, set] = ('', ''), system_tags: Union[dict, list, set] = ('', ''), description: Optional[str] = None, keywords: Optional[None] = None) ‑> ModelData

Create ModelData from gguf file.


gguf_file_path : str
Path to gguf file
save_dir : Optional[str], optional
Directory to save. Defaults to None.
user_tags : Union[dict, list, set], optional
User markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
ai_tags : Union[dict, list, set], optional
AI markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
system_tags : Union[dict, list, set], optional
System markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
description : Optional[str], optional
Model description. Defaults to None.
keywords : Optional[list], optional
List of keywords. Defaults to None.


ModelData object
Expand source code
def from_file(gguf_file_path:str, save_dir:Optional[str]=None, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
              description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData":
    """Create ModelData from gguf file.

        gguf_file_path (str): Path to gguf file
        save_dir (Optional[str], optional): Directory to save. Defaults to None.
        user_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): User markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
        ai_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): AI markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
        system_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): System markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
        description (Optional[str], optional): Model description. Defaults to None.
        keywords (Optional[list], optional): List of keywords. Defaults to None.

        ModelData: ModelData object
    #creates a model where url is also the file path
    save_dir = get_directory(gguf_file_path) if save_dir is None else save_dir
    url = gguf_file_path
    return ModelData(url, save_dir, user_tags, ai_tags, system_tags, description, keywords)
def from_json(json_file_path: str) ‑> ModelData

Create ModelData from JSON file.


json_file_path : str
Path to JSON file containing model data


ModelData object
Expand source code
def from_json(json_file_path:str) -> "ModelData":
    """Create ModelData from JSON file.

        json_file_path (str): Path to JSON file containing model data

        ModelData: ModelData object
    model_data = load_json_file(json_file_path)
    return ModelData.from_dict(model_data)
def from_url(url: str, save_dir: str, user_tags: Union[dict, list, set] = ('', ''), ai_tags: Union[dict, list, set] = ('', ''), system_tags: Union[dict, list, set] = ('', ''), description: Optional[str] = None, keywords: Optional[None] = None) ‑> ModelData

Create ModelData from URL.


url : str
gguf URL
save_dir : str
Directory to save model
user_tags : Union[dict, list, set], optional
User markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
ai_tags : Union[dict, list, set], optional
AI markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
system_tags : Union[dict, list, set], optional
System markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
description : Optional[str], optional
Model description. Defaults to None.
keywords : Optional[list], optional
List of keywords. Defaults to None.


ModelData object
Expand source code
def from_url(url:str, save_dir:str, user_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), ai_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""), system_tags:Union[dict, list, set] = ("", ""),
              description:Optional[str] = None, keywords:Optional[list] = None) -> "ModelData":
    """Create ModelData from URL.

        url (str): gguf URL
        save_dir (str): Directory to save model
        user_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): User markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
        ai_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): AI markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
        system_tags (Union[dict, list, set], optional): System markup tags. Defaults to ("", "").
        description (Optional[str], optional): Model description. Defaults to None.
        keywords (Optional[list], optional): List of keywords. Defaults to None.

        ModelData: ModelData object
    return ModelData(url, save_dir, user_tags, ai_tags, system_tags, description, keywords)


def download_gguf(self, force_redownload: bool = False) ‑> str

Download gguf model file.


force_redownload : bool, optional
Force redownload if exists. Defaults to False.


File path of downloaded file
Expand source code
def download_gguf(self, force_redownload:bool=False) -> str:
    """Download gguf model file.

        force_redownload (bool, optional): Force redownload if exists. Defaults to False.

        str: File path of downloaded file
    print(f"Preparing {self.gguf_file_path}\n for {} : {self.model_quantization}...")
    if not does_file_exist(self.gguf_file_path) or force_redownload:
        print(f"Downloading {} : {self.model_quantization}...")
        gguf_download_url = self._hf_url_to_download_url(self.gguf_url)
        response = requests.get(gguf_download_url, stream=True)
        total_size = int(response.headers.get('content-length', 0))
        block_size = 1024000  # 100 KB
        progress_bar = f"Please wait, downloading {} : {self.model_quantization}: {{0:0.2f}}% | {{1:0.3f}}/{{2:0.3f}} GB) | {{3:0.3f}} MB/s"
        unfinished_save_path = self.gguf_file_path + ".unfinished"
        with open(unfinished_save_path, "wb") as f:
            downloaded_size = 0
            start_time = time.time()
            elapsed_time = 0
            downloaded_since_last = 0
            for data in response.iter_content(block_size):
                downloaded_size += len(data)
                downloaded_since_last += len(data)
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                download_speed = (downloaded_since_last*10/(1024**3)) / elapsed_time if elapsed_time > 0 else 0
                progress = downloaded_size / total_size * 100
                gb_downloaded = downloaded_size/(1024**3)
                gb_total = total_size/(1024**3)
                if elapsed_time >= 1:
                    print(progress_bar.format(progress, gb_downloaded, gb_total, download_speed), end='\r')
                    downloaded_since_last = 0
                    start_time = time.time()
        print(progress_bar.format(100, gb_downloaded, gb_total, download_speed))
        rename_file(unfinished_save_path, self.gguf_file_path)
        print(f"File {self.gguf_file_path} already exists. Skipping download.")
    return self.gguf_file_path
def get_ai_tag_close(self) ‑> str

Get closing AI tag.


Closing AI tag
Expand source code
def get_ai_tag_close(self) -> str:
    """Get closing AI tag.
        str: Closing AI tag
    return self.ai_tags["close"]
def get_ai_tag_open(self) ‑> str

Get opening AI tag.


Opening AI tag
Expand source code
def get_ai_tag_open(self) -> str:
    """Get opening AI tag.
        str: Opening AI tag
    return self.ai_tags["open"]
def get_ai_tags(self) ‑> list[str]

Get list of AI tags.


List of opening and closing AI tags
Expand source code
def get_ai_tags(self) -> list[str]:
    """Get list of AI tags.
        list[str]: List of opening and closing AI tags
    return [self.get_ai_tag_open(), self.get_ai_tag_close()]
def get_system_tag_close(self) ‑> str

Get closing system tag.


Closing system tag
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def get_system_tag_close(self) -> str:
    """Get closing system tag.
        str: Closing system tag
    return self.system_tags["close"]
def get_system_tag_open(self) ‑> str

Get opening system tag.


Opening system tag
Expand source code
def get_system_tag_open(self) -> str:
    """Get opening system tag.
        str: Opening system tag
    return self.system_tags["open"]
def get_system_tags(self) ‑> list[str]

Get list of system tags.


List of opening and closing system tags
Expand source code
def get_system_tags(self) -> list[str]:
    """Get list of system tags.
        list[str]: List of opening and closing system tags
    return [self.get_system_tag_open(), self.get_system_tag_close()]
def get_user_tag_close(self) ‑> str

Get closing user tag.


Closing user tag
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def get_user_tag_close(self) -> str:
    """Get closing user tag.
        str: Closing user tag
    return self.user_tags["close"]
def get_user_tag_open(self) ‑> str

Get opening user tag.


Opening user tag
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def get_user_tag_open(self) -> str:
    """Get opening user tag.
        str: Opening user tag
    return self.user_tags["open"]
def get_user_tags(self) ‑> list[str]

Get list of user tags.


List of opening and closing user tags
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def get_user_tags(self) -> list[str]:
    """Get list of user tags.
        list[str]: List of opening and closing user tags
    return [self.get_user_tag_open(), self.get_user_tag_close()]
def has_json(self) ‑> bool

Check if JSON metadata file exists.


True if exists, False otherwise
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def has_json(self) -> bool:
    """Check if JSON metadata file exists.

        bool: True if exists, False otherwise
    return does_file_exist(self.json_path())
def has_system_tags(self) ‑> bool

Check if system tags are set.


True if system tags set, False otherwise
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def has_system_tags(self) -> bool:
    """Check if system tags are set.
        bool: True if system tags set, False otherwise
    if self.system_tags is None:
        return False
    elif self.system_tags["open"] is None or self.system_tags["close"] is None:
        return False
        return True
def is_downloaded(self) ‑> bool

Check if model file is downloaded.


True if downloaded, False otherwise
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def is_downloaded(self) -> bool:
    """Check if model file is downloaded.
        bool: True if downloaded, False otherwise
    return does_file_exist(self.gguf_file_path)
def json_path(self) ‑> str

Get path for JSON metadata file.


JSON file path
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def json_path(self) -> str:
    """Get path for JSON metadata file.

        str: JSON file path
    return change_extension(self.gguf_file_path, ".json")
def model_path(self) ‑> str

Get model file path.


gguf file path
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def model_path(self) -> str:
    """Get model file path.
        str: gguf file path
    return self.gguf_file_path
def save_json(self, replace_existing: bool = True) ‑> str

Save ModelData to JSON file.


replace_existing : bool, optional
Overwrite if exists. Defaults to True.


JSON file path
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def save_json(self, replace_existing:bool=True) -> str:
    """Save ModelData to JSON file.

        replace_existing (bool, optional): Overwrite if exists. Defaults to True.

        str: JSON file path
    if replace_existing or not self.has_json():
        save_json_file(self.json_path(), self.to_dict())
        print(f"File {self.json_path()} already exists and replace_existing={replace_existing}. Skipping save.")
    return self.json_path()
def set_ai_tags(self, ai_tags: Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) ‑> None

Set AI markup tags.


ai_tags : Union[dict, set, list, tuple]
AI tags
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def set_ai_tags(self, ai_tags:Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) -> None:
    """Set AI markup tags.
        ai_tags (Union[dict, set, list, tuple]): AI tags
    if isinstance(ai_tags, dict):
        if "open" in ai_tags and "close" in ai_tags:
            self.ai_tags = ai_tags
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid user tags: {ai_tags}, for dict tags both 'open' and 'close' keys must be present.")
    elif isinstance(ai_tags, set) or isinstance(ai_tags, list) or isinstance(ai_tags, tuple):
        self.ai_tags = {
            "open": ai_tags[0],
            "close": ai_tags[1]
        raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for user tags: {type(ai_tags)}, must be dict, set or list.")
def set_save_dir(self, save_dir: str) ‑> None

Set save directory and update save file path for the model.


save_dir : str
Save directory
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def set_save_dir(self, save_dir:str) -> None:
    """Set save directory and update save file path for the model.

        save_dir (str): Save directory
    self.save_dir = save_dir
    self.gguf_file_path = self._url_to_file_path(save_dir, self.gguf_url)
def set_system_tags(self, system_tags: Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) ‑> None

Set system markup tags.


system_tags : Union[dict, set, list, tuple]
System tags
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def set_system_tags(self, system_tags:Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) -> None:
    """Set system markup tags.
        system_tags (Union[dict, set, list, tuple]): System tags
    if isinstance(system_tags, dict):
        if "open" in system_tags and "close" in system_tags:
            self.system_tags = system_tags
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid system tags: {system_tags}, for dict tags both 'open' and 'close' keys must be present.")
    elif isinstance(system_tags, set) or isinstance(system_tags, list) or isinstance(system_tags, tuple):
        self.system_tags = {
            "open": system_tags[0],
            "close": system_tags[1]
        raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for system tags: {type(system_tags)}, must be dict, set or list.")
def set_tags(self, ai_tags: Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str], ForwardRef(None)], user_tags: Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str], ForwardRef(None)], system_tags: Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str], ForwardRef(None)]) ‑> None

Sets any of the provided tags.


ai_tags : Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]
AI tags
user_tags : Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]
User tags
system_tags : Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]
System tags
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def set_tags(self, 
             ai_tags:Optional[Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]],
             user_tags:Optional[Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]],
             system_tags:Optional[Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]],
             ) -> None:
    """Sets any of the provided tags.
        ai_tags (Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]): AI tags
        user_tags (Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]): User tags
        system_tags (Optional[Union[dict, set, list, tuple]]): System tags
    if ai_tags is not None:
    if user_tags is not None:
    if system_tags is not None:
def set_user_tags(self, user_tags: Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) ‑> None

Set user markup tags.


user_tags : Union[dict, set, list, tuple]
User tags
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def set_user_tags(self, user_tags:Union[dict, set[str], list[str], tuple[str]]) -> None:
    """Set user markup tags.
        user_tags (Union[dict, set, list, tuple]): User tags
    if isinstance(user_tags, dict):
        if "open" in user_tags and "close" in user_tags:
            self.user_tags = user_tags
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid user tags: {user_tags}, for dict tags both 'open' and 'close' keys must be present.")
    elif isinstance(user_tags, set) or isinstance(user_tags, list) or isinstance(user_tags, tuple):
        self.user_tags = {
            "open": user_tags[0],
            "close": user_tags[1]
        raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for user tags: {type(user_tags)}, must be dict, set or list.")
def to_dict(self)

Convert ModelData to dictionary. "url": str, "save_dir": str, "user_tags": Union[dict, list, set], "ai_tags": Union[dict, list, set], "description": str, "keywords": list, "system_tags": Union[dict, list, set]


Dictionary representation of ModelData
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def to_dict(self):
    """Convert ModelData to dictionary.
        "url": str,
        "save_dir": str,
        "user_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
        "ai_tags": Union[dict, list, set],
        "description": str,
        "keywords": list,
        "system_tags": Union[dict, list, set]

        dict: Dictionary representation of ModelData
    model_data = {
        "url": self.gguf_url,
        "gguf_file_path": self.gguf_file_path,
        "model_quantization": self.model_quantization, 
        "description": self.description,
        "keywords": self.keywords,
        "user_tags": self.user_tags,
        "ai_tags": self.ai_tags,
        "system_tags": self.system_tags,
        "save_dir": self.save_dir,
    return model_data